What is a Status Page?

👉 Learn more about what is a status page and whether do you need one

👉 Learn more about what is a status page and whether do you need one

One of the most important things for any company is to keep its customers informed if a product isn't working as expected. A status page does exactly that: it keeps users up-to-date with the health of your site and services. It's an easy way to let everyone know what's going on, so they don't have to be left in the dark when things start acting up.

Status pages tell customers about a problem, outage, or unusual situation in your service.

Status pages are a way to communicate with customers about a problem, outage or unusual situation in your service. It's not the place to talk about the problem itself (people will find that out later), but it is the place where you can tell people that there is something going on, why it happened, what has been done so far, and what's being done next.

Your status page should provide answers to these questions:

  • What’s happening? This section should give details about the current incident and its potential impact.
  • Why did this happen? If it was caused by human error or an external factor (such as a major outage at another company), then let customers know here.
  • Is this affecting me? Depending on how widespread an issue may be, it might not affect all users equally; if only some users were affected by an issue coming from our platform but others weren't impacted at all due to their own configuration/setup then make sure everyone knows which group they fall into!
  • How long will this take? Customers need an estimated time frame for when issues will be resolved; otherwise, they'll start calling support lines again which means more work for everyone involved!

Everybody knows what to do with a status page.

This is especially true for customers, who will look for an explanation of the problem and check back for updates if they can't find anything in the moment. They'll also check other sources for information about what's going on—including your competition—and wait for you to resolve the issue.

Making a status page is the right thing to do. Your customers are used to looking at them when they have problems, so they won't be surprised by your status page. In fact, they expect it! When you make one, you give yourself visibility into what's going on with your product and let people know that you're working hard on resolving issues quickly. Status pages also give customers a single place where they can get updates from multiple sources: official communications from the company itself; social media accounts; user-generated content (like tweets about downtime).

Any company can use a status page.

No matter the size of your company, a status page is a great way to communicate with your customers, partners, and employees.

You can use it to:

  • Keep people informed about the ongoing health of your systems.
  • Let people know what's happening when something is out of the ordinary.
  • Provide links to important customer support numbers or contact information for press inquiries.

A status page builds trust and demonstrates transparency.

A status page builds trust and demonstrates transparency.

Trust is a key part of any relationship, whether you're buying a product or service, or hiring an employee. Customers expect to be able to trust the companies they do business with—so much so that they'll go out of their way to do business with trusted brands.

A status page can help build that trust by demonstrating your company's transparency and honesty in its dealings with customers. In order to instill this level of trust, you need to provide:

  • Consistency: You have to be consistent across all channels (web properties, social media accounts) when communicating updates about issues affecting your customers' experience; otherwise you risk confusing them and eroding their confidence in your ability to resolve problems quickly.
  • Reliability: A good status page should be updated frequently enough that users know there's always someone on duty at the office capable of keeping tabs on what's going on at any given moment—and quick enough responses don't leave users hanging for days or weeks on end!

Status pages communicate reality to your customers.

A status page is a way to communicate with customers. It's that simple. But it can also be used for many different things, including:

  • Managing your site's performance and uptime
  • Alerting users of outages or issues with the service you provide them (e.g., if you're a web hosting company and your servers are down)
  • Communicating details about new features that are being tested on your system (e.g., if you're operating a testing environment for new versions of software)
  • Providing information about how an incident was handled once it has been resolved


With so many options to choose from, it can be hard to decide which status page provider is right for your company. Even if you’re not sure what exactly it is yet, we hope this article has helped you understand more about the importance of having a status page and how you can use one effectively. For organizations new to using them, there are many good options out there that support different needs or budgets. You don’t necessarily need something custom built—and some providers even offer free plans for startups and small businesses! If you’re ready to dive in and try our hosted status pages, check out our offer today!

Published by Brka OÜ 2 years ago
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